Secondary Labels and Diagnoses

Until having twins with mosaic Down syndrome, I thought I knew a thing or two about Down syndrome. Well I did know a thing or two, but that was about it. There are just so many aspects of this overarching diagnosis of Down syndrome. Beneath it almost always comes secondary labels and diagnoses. Expressive speech... Continue Reading →

A Season of Rest and Hiddenness

Today is what I have just deemed a "recovery day." Me and the kids are taking it very slow and they are still in their pajamas at 8:50am while they watch Sesame Street and I eat my breakfast and type this. Lately both my body and brain have been telling me to rest, which it... Continue Reading →

How We Value Others

Until my girls with mosaic Down syndrome were born, despite being a special education teacher and a Christian, topics like prenatal testing and abortion based on a prenatal diagnosis were only occasionally in my mind. I have always felt it wrong to abort a baby because they had Down syndrome, for example, but I didn't... Continue Reading →

Raising Them The Same

If you have more than one child, or came from a family of more than one child, or have taught in a classroom, or basically have ever interacted with a group of people, you know that every person is just a little bit different! More than once, when people find out I have a daughter... Continue Reading →

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